DIY fall wedding table centerpiece – Floating candles and orchids


In the the autumn season the sun shines less and soon the splash of colors will soon fade into winter greys. But we do not want to part with warm sunny days yet. So let’s use yellow orchids to keep the sun in our eyes. This arrangement is neat and original, stylish and memorable. It could be used as DIY fall wedding table centerpiece or home decoration that pleases the eye and provide good mood to your guests and family.

DIY fall wedding table centerpiece with yellow orchids

DIY fall wedding table centerpiece candles-orchid-step-by-step-tutorial

1. For this composition you will need: yellow orchids, large glass vase, curly willow branches, floating candles, dried seed pots or slices of exotic fruits, red decorative twig balls, small water tubes with caps, red floral tape, hot glue gun, jute twine, red decorative pebbles, orange decorative sand.

DIY fall wedding table centerpiece red-sand-home-decorating-idea

2. First, fill the bottom of the vase with orange colored decorative sand. Add red decorative pebbles on top.

DIY fall wedding table centerpiece yellow-orchid-home-decor-project

3. Fill the plastic orchid tubes with water, close the caps and wrap them in red floral tape. Insert the yellow orchid bloom into the prepared water tube.


4. Fill the vase about the half full with water and drop floating candles on the water surface.


5. Trim the willow branches to the desired length using scissors. Tie them together with a jute twine to obtain a stable structure.


6. Tie the three red twine balls in different locations on the curly branches again by using the jute twine.


7. Insert the water tubes with the orchids into the red twine balls.

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DIY fall wedding table centerpiece dried-fruits-slices-arrangement

8. Using a hot glue gun attach the dried fruit slices on the twigs.


This charming autumn composition with floating candles and orchids will create a wonderful atmosphere at any table. You can be proud of all this beauty you have created with your own hands without help!