Ever wondered how many tin paint cans are thrown away? You can make them useful and create a beautiful and unusual outdoor furniture in no time! Learn the simple steps how to turn this tin can in a beautiful DIY garden stool with upholstered seat.
Materials for DIY garden stool
• 1 Gallon empty tin paint can
• Hot glue
• 50 cm white twill
• 50 cm of fabric in lime green and lilac
• 1 m double-sided interfacing
• White sewing thread
• White Ribbon
• Iron
• Polyfill
• Sewing Machine
• Needle
• Scissors
• Pencil
• 50 cm acrylic blanket
• Flower petal stencil
DIY garden stool – Step by step
Cut a rectangle of fabric 50×92 cm lime green and one 50×90 cm double-sided interfacing. With the iron, apply the interfacing on the fabric, leaving a 2 cm allowance.
Peel the back off the interfacing and attach it to the tin paint can. With scissors, cut the excess from the sides of the border. With hot glue, glue the fabric on the sides of the tin.
Cut 16 rectangles of 20×28 cm twill of the same size. Join two rectangles twill, right side with right and overlap the acrylic fabric. Draw a flower petal and sew, leaving an opening. Cut out the excesses, untap the piece and finish the seam, forming flower petals.

To make the center of the flower, cut a circle of 50 cm diameter lilac fabric. Thread the needle and pull the sides to form a drawstring pouch. Fill with polyfill and tailpiece to form the core.
With hot glue, glue four petals on the edges of the tin can. Glue the rest of the petals and finish pasting the core. Glue the ribbon along the base of the paint can. And our DIY garden stool, looking like a big flower, is ready!
+ another idea for reusing an old paint can