Apple roses bouquet – How to make fragrant fall decor for your door

Today we are going to show you how to make a decorative apple roses bouquet. These roses are very nice, super cheap and easy to prepare. You don’t have to worry that you might cut yourself on the thorns and more, these apple roses will never fade and would look very beautiful placed in a vase in your home. The steps to make them are very easy. I hope you’ll get inspired to make your own wonderful bouquet of roses made ​​from apples.

Apple roses bouquet – Beautiful fall door decoration

apple roses bouquet fall decoration idea

Salt and water
Citric acid
Cutting board

How to prepare apple roses bouquet

1. Cut the apple into slices – 3 mm thick.

apple flowers bouquet fruit decoration idea

2. Place apple slices in a bowl, sprinkle with a tablespoon of salt and citrus acid.

apple slices rose flower bouquet

3. Fill the bowl with water and leave for 2 to 3 hours.

roses bouquet apple slices citric acid

4. Place the slices on a towel.

apple leaves bouquet fruit roses fall decor

5. Then dry the apples. Ensure that they are well formed.

fragrant roses bouquet dry apple slices

6. Cut with scissors the center of the apple pieces.

apple slices fruit flower decoration

7. Glue the pieces with hot glue gun exactly as shown in the picture.

fragrant bouquet apple roses silicone glue

8. Arrange roses ​​with suitable leaves like dried lavender and add a ribbon to finish the beautiful arrangement.

fruit fragrant flowers apple bouquet leaves decoration