DIY vertical herb garden made of pots – Cute idea for your kitchen


With a set of pots and a small ceramic plate, you can make a lovely diy vertical herb garden or a vertical planter which will also attract birds. Today, we show you how easily you can assemble yours! Just follow the steps!

DIY vertical herb garden – indoor flower decoration

diy vertical herb garden idea kitchen flower containers

Materials: a cane to support the pots (it may be a handle of an old umbrella), scissors, small flower pots (the amount varies according to the length of the stick), a bigger plant pot for the base, a small shovel, rat tail rasp (tool for sanding the holes in the pots), a piece of fabric, a small plate for feeder, topsoil, pebbles, silicone gun, herbs or flowers.

flower decoration diy vertical pot indoor plant decor project

With the rasp extend the drainage hole of the largest plant pot. The diameter should be enough to fix the support (the handle from an old umbrella).

 potted herb gardens diy vertical herb garden

After that take one of the smaller flower pots and do the same with the drainage hole so that the pot can be tilted. Repeat this step with the others, but change the angle. You don’t have to do this step if you use something thinner like a rebar.

diy herb garden design vertical pot flower decoration

Use the hot glue gun to secure the umbrella stick in the hole of the largest clay pot. It will support the smaller flower pots.

flower decoration diy vertical pot indoor herb idea

Fill the bottom of the clay pot with pebbles to give it a greater support. Then thread the smaller pots by tilting them on one side.

home garden decoration idea diy vertical pot flower

After positioning the smaller clay pots, hold the small plate on top of the cane and glue it. Fix it well and be generous in the amount of glue in the dish. Wait for the glue to dry, then start planting the herbs.

ALSO READ  DIY Clay Pot Animals - Crafty Ideas for Your Garden

herb garden indoor diy vertical pot plants cute decor

To decorate our diy vertical herb garden we can plant all kinds of aromatic herbs or flowers. Grab the plant and open gently the root ball with hands, removing excess dirt without damaging the roots. Keep the soil.

diy planters containers  plastic pot vertical herb garden

Then insert carefully the root ball in the pot and fill the empty spaces with the soil that was taken from the plant.

 cute diy vertical home planter idea herb garden

Now it’s the time to plant herbs in the smaller flower pots. In each of them, cover the hole with a piece of fabric (preferably polyester) which serves to help with drainage. Repeat the operation to remove the excess soil off the seedlings and put them inside the vessels.

 flower pots decorating idea diy vertical herb garden

In the end, glue some decorative element like this cute bee at the top of the stick. Here, in our diy vertical herb garden are planted mint, pennyroyal, rosemary and parsley, but you can substitute them with different species of flowers.

indoor flower kitchen decoration diy vertical herb garden

Place the herb tower on the window sill in the kitchen or other location where it can receive enough light. Fill the ceramic plate with some bird food and wait for a nice visit in the spring 🙂 !