DIY bracelet tutorial – How to make shabby chic bangles


Today we are going to present you a detailed DIY bracelet tutorial on how to create bangles with a romantic shabby chic look. They could be used as napkin rings as well. The beautiful crackle effect adds more interest and make the design really authentic. The project is suitable for beginners thanks to the detailed step-by-step tutorial.

DIY bracelet tutorial with decoupage technique

diy bangles tutorial decoupage crackle effect

You need:
– unfinished wooden bangles
– 1200 and 220 grit sandpaper
– water-based primer
– acrylic paint – white, purple and vermilion
– a foam stencil brush
– a flat brush
– a one-step crackle glaze
– napkins for decoupage
– acrylic lacquer

diy bracelet tutorial decoupaged bangles needed materials

1. Sand the unfinished wooden bangle to remove any imperfections.

diy bracelet tutorial unfinished wooden bangles sanding

First with the 220 grit sandpaper, then complete with the 1200 grit. This step is really important for final product, so pay special attention to this step. The bangle surface should be smooth, without any bumps.

2. Apply the water-based primer to the bangle. This will help extend the life of our bracelet and, most importantly, will reduce the “lifting” of the wood after the first layer of acrylic paint.

diy bracelet tutorial wooden bangles water based primer undercoat

3. Take white acrylic paint, mix it with a bit of purple and vermilion in approximately the same proportion as in the photo. You’ll get a coral paint.

diy bangles mixing acryl paint purple white red

4. Cover the outside of the bangle with one coat of paint by using the foam stencil brush. The sponge will help you avoiding run-offs and covering maximum surface at once.

diy wooden bracelet tutorial decoupaged bangles coral paint

5. Similarly sponge the inside with white acrylic paint. Let it dry. You can let dry in a natural way or to use with a hair dryer.

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6. Take the crackle glaze and apply with a flat brush to the outer side of the bangle. Try to apply the glaze evenly to avoid stains during drying. Let them dry on a foil to avoid sticking to the surface.

diy bracelet tutorial wooden bangles crackle glaze medium

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7. When the crackle glaze dries, apply a thick layer of white acrylic paint because we’ll have to hide the first coat of coral paint. After a few seconds you will see that the cracks are already beginning to emerge. Let dry.

diy bracelet idea wooden bangles crackle glaze effect

8. Choose suitable napkins for decoupage and circle a desired fragment with a fine brush dipped in water. This will allow us to rip it quickly and gently. Remove the upper layer of the napkin.

diy bangles decoupage tutorial napkin rose motif

9. Glue the piece on the bangle by using Mod podge. To prevent wrinkling work from the center to the edges. Hide the napkin edge on the inner side and leave to dry completely.

bracelet tutorial decoupaged bangles mod podge

 decoupaged bangles tutorial shabby chic look

10. After drying remove the excess edge with sandpaper.

diy bracelet sanding end

11. Even if you notice wrinkles and irregularities, don’t sand at this stage! You can conceal them with white acrylic paint and the sponge.

diy bangles foam stencil brush white acryl paint

12. Then coat the bangles inside and outside with 4-5 thin layers of lacquer by leaving each layer to dry. You can use a spray lacquer as well, but only in a well ventilated room. Matte or glossy surface, you choose for yourself.The varnish shown in the photo is called matte, but in practice it is glossy.

diy bracelet tutorial bangles water base varnish

 diy bangles decoupage glossy varnish

13. Now we can sand our bangles to remove all burrs and achieve perfect smoothness.

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diy bracelet tutorial bangles sand laquer step-by-step

14. Then coat them again with 2-3 layers of lacquer.

Easy and fun DIY bracelet tutorial

diy wooden bangles shabby chic look roses


diy napkin rings tutorial shabby chic decoupage technique