How to cut your old t-shirt into a breezy summer DIY tied crop top


Summer is the season when you can experiment with your style. Whether you’re on a vacation by the sea, hiking in the mountain or just shopping in the city this cute DIY tied crop top will make you feel cool and comfortable. Learn how to recycle an old T-shirt to achieve a new and modern look. It is a very simple technique and the result will be fabulous. Follow the steps below and renew your old T-shirt in a few minutes. A great idea for spring or summer.

DIY tied crop top – how to cut old t-shirt

handmade cool tied crop top diy renew old t shirt

What we need:
• T-shirt to recycle
• Scissors

modern summer style for girls diy tied crop top

How we do it:
The first thing you have to do is fold the shirt you want to recycle in half. Make sure the edges of the shirt are aligned so that the cuts are even.

cool summer girl idea diy renovation old t shirt cutting scheme

simple technique summer fashion style diy renew old t shirt

Let’s make a diagonal cut in the ends of the shirt to give it a modern look. Take the scissors and cut a triangular ensuring that the fabric is folded correctly for a clean cut.

t shirt summer fashion idea diy tied crop top

You’ll get a V shape at the bottom of the T-shirt.

handmade summer shirt fashion diy tied crop top

summer wear tied crop top diy renew old t shirt

how to reuse old t shirt for summer diy tied crop top

Lift the front of the bottom edge and use the scissors to cut again the peak on the back of the shirt. Make a straight line with scissors.

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cool design t shirt renovation diy tied crop top

old t shirt fashion style cut diy tied crop top

Take the peak on the front of the shirt and make a cut in the middle of it.

breezy summer fashion renovation idea diy tied crop top

We are now missing the final detail. Open in two and make a knot so it looks very modern.

cool t shirt design for summer diy tied crop top

Now you know how to re-style an old T-shirt into a DIY tied crop top. You can do the same with the clothes that have lost their grace.

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Ways how to wear a crop top:

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